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III Continental Summit of Indigenous Peoples and Nationalities of Abya YalaMarch 26-30, 2007 |
Embassy of the Indigenous Peoples Izkalotlan, Aztlan March 21, 2007 Nohuanyolqueh, Brothers and Sisters of the Indigenous Nations of the Continent: Good greetings once again from the Nican Tlacah of Izkalotlan, Aztlan. May the powers of Memory, Conscience, and Will of your altepetl continue to guide the life of your nations, and also that we may collectively define with greater strength and clarity our presence and future in the continental, international and global arena. We Nican Tlacah acting under the mandates of our traditional council of Tlahtokan Aztlan work to implement under the dual principles that direct our movement: Tradition and Liberation. These same principles guided us to convene the First Continental Indigenous Summit of Teotihuacan, Mexico in 2000 organized by the Council of Indigenous Nations and Organizations of the Continent (CONIC). It was at this first summit that the Treaty of Teotihuacan was ratified in traditional manner, proclaiming before the world and in representation of the Indigenous Peoples of the Continent, a continental international indigenous accord with four areas of mutual commitment: 1. Spiritual Alliance 2. Political Solidarity 3. Cultural Understandings and Complementarity 4. Pochtecayotl - Economic and Commercial Agreements of Exchange Drawing from the power of spiritual offering, from the archive of reality, to present before the Indigenous Pueblos and Nations of the Continent the Sacred Staffs of the Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, we submit that: 1. An official point of reference has been established within the international processes which warrants collective evaluation at the continental level of Indigenous Nations, Pueblos and Organizations. A platform and context of empowerment in the international arena that we ourselves have constructed, not the government states, now exists which could serve as a permanent root or guiding principle for the international work, which lies ahead. As precept to the concept of self-determination, it is necessary that our powers of self-definition remain indomitable.
2. This political space now established within the international arena should be incorporated as a basic element of our empowerment strategy, implementing other regional consultations such as Tlahtokan Aztlan in other regions of the continent. If we are successful in organizing such consultations within the complementarity already established under our TREATY of TEOTIHUACAN, the uniting of strength as Indigenous Nations and Pueblos of the continent is inevitable At the Continental Indigenous Summit of Teotihuacan México 2000, the dynamics of intercontinental communications among the Indigenous Nation, Pueblos and Organizations was discussed at length, and a proposal was adopted: Implementation of the continental networks of communication would be in dual format - via the modern technologies, and with the Sacred Fire. As follow through on this commission, and as responsible organization in the Aztlan territories we now deliver this report that the delegates of the Continental Confederation of the Eagle and the Condor, upon presentation of the Declaration of Teotihuacan 2000 and the Great Seal of the Treaty of Teotihuacan, these were reaffirmed at the II Continental Summit Abya Yala of Indigenous Nations and Pueblos held July 21-25, 2004 in Quito, Ecuador. Present at the III Continental Indigenous Summit Abya Yala, gathered from March 26-30, 2007 in the Maya Territories of Guatemala, we inform all our relatives of the delegations and representatives attending that the Archive of the Sacred Fire which was lit at the First Continental Encounter of Indigenous Nations, Pueblos and Organizations in Quito, Ecuador in1990, is also here in presence as always. We are the ancestors of the future generations. Please contact our office, for updates regarding the work of implementation of the mandates of our Treaty of Teotihuacan, and the call to the Altepetl Nican Tlacah Indigenous Peoples Day now set for March 12, 2008 in Izkalotlan. Tlazohcamati. Tupac Enrique Acosta Yaotachcauh, Tlahtokan Nahuacalli chantlaca@aol.com TONATIERRA NAHUACALLI
Embassy of the Indigenous Peoples c/o TONATIERRA Tel: (602) 254-5230 P.O. Box 24009 Phoenix, AZ 85074 Email: chantlaca@aol.com
www.tonatierra.org ###
NAHUACALLI: Memory, Message and Proposals to III Summit Abya Yala
Cumbre Continental de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indígenas COMMUNICATIONS NORTH: |