- Mandate of Indigenous Peoples and Native Nations to the States of the World (Chimoré, Cochabamba - Bolivia, 12th October, 2007)
- Declaration of Iximche' (Iximche', Guatemala, March 30, 2007)
- The Compact of Iximche: The Powers of Abya Yala (March 27, 2007)
- Western Shoshone Nation Attends Historic Indigenous Gathering (March 27, 2007)
- Brothers and Sisters of the Indigenous Nations of the Continent (Nahuacalli, March 21, 2007)
- Declaration of La Paz (Continental Encounter of Indigenous Pueblos and Nations of Abya Yala, La Paz, Bolivia Tawatinsuyo, October 12th , 2006)
- Continental Proclamation Abya Yala (Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues Fifth Period of Sessions May 15- 26, 2006 United Nations NY, NY)
- Seven Council Fires: Message to Tawatinsuyo (Oct 2006)
- Message to the Continental Indigenous Encounter Bolivia (Nahuacalli, Oct 2006)
- Actions of Implementation (Continental Indigenous Summit Mar de Plata, Argentina November 2-3-4, 2005)
- Treaty of Teotihuacan (2000)
- Declaration of Teotihuacan (2000)
- Declaration of Quito (July 1990)
- Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial
Countries and Peoples (1514, 14 December 1960) [PDF format]
- Principles Which Should Guide Members In Determining
Whether Or Nor An Obligation Exists To Transmit The Information Called For
Under Article 73e Of The Charter (1541, 15 December 1960) [PDF format]